Division Wiki

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This tool gives you authentic results of dividing two numbers and shows all the divisors of a number.

Let’s Solve Division Problems Within Seconds

Are you a student and always find it challenging to solve mathematical problems? Well, you are not alone. Solving a mathematical problem is always time-taking for both students and teachers.

It can have a negative impact on productivity. However, do not worry. We have brought an instant solution for you. On our website, you can find the answers to division problems straightaway. Division.Wiki allows you to divide numbers and integers to reach an answer.

Understand Division By An Example

How would you find the answer to 8÷2 (eight divided by two)? It is just like sharing 8 candies between 2 babies. Now you have to reach a number that both children must have an equal number of candies. The answer would be 4. So, you have solved this problem in just a couple of seconds. However, you will have to brainstorm while unraveling big division problems. For example, you will take a lot of time if you have to find the answers to:

  • What is 900 divided by 250?
  • What is 50 divided by 12?
  • What is 80 divided by 13? And the list goes on!

Therefore, we have done the work for you to save you from this hassle. You can search for such problems on our website and find answers immediately. You will get an accurate answer regardless of how big the numbers are. So what are you waiting for? Start doing your maths homework and surprise your classmates by submitting the assignment earlier.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do we differentiate between divisor and dividend?

A dividend is a number we divide, while a divisor is a number by which we divide. Divisor comes on second, followed by the dividend that we write first.

For instance, if you have 12 candies and want to distribute them among 3 children, the equation will be 12 ÷ 3. You will put 12 first because this is the number being divided. So here, 12 is a dividend. On the other hand, 3 is written after 12, and it is the number with which we are dividing 12. Hence, 3 is a divisor.

Which formula is used to find a divisor?

There are two formulas used to find a divisor.

The first one is: Divisor = Dividend ÷ Quotient. This formula is used to find a divisor when the remainder is 0.

Second is: Divisor = (Dividend – Remainder) /Quotient. This formula is used when the remainder is not 0.

Is there a possibility of a number having the same divisor?

Yes, there is. Every number can be divided by itself, leaving 1 as the quotient. So, it would not be wrong to say that all the numbers can have the same divisors.

Let’s take the example of 5. If we divide 5 by 5 (5 ÷ 5), then 5 will be the divisor of 5. And ultimately, 1 will be the quotient.

What is the difference between a divisor and a factor?

A divisor is a number with which we can divide any number. However, a factor is different from a divisor. It is the number that can be divided with another number leaving no remainder. All factors are divisors, but not all divisors are factors.

Is it possible to do division by repeated subtraction?

Fortunately yes. You can do division by repeated subtraction. In repeated subtraction, we continuously subtract a number from a bigger number. It continues until we get the 0 or any other number less than the actual number as a remainder.

However, it can be a lengthy process, so we can use division as a shortcut.

Can I check the remainder and the quotient in a division problem?

Yes, you can quickly check the remainder and quotient in a division problem by using this relationship:

Dividend = Divisor x Quotient + Remainder